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Altor ICON coupler locks
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Altor ICON coupler locks
Popup CC2 Gooseneck 4 in. round Cushion Coupler
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Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
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New Popup Cushion Coupler
, more cushion, less space!!
Pulling a trailer with this coupler is like riding on a cloud. It absorbs up to 59% of the bumps, jolts and jars that make towing hard on you, hard on your cargo and hard on your equipment.
Living Quarters horse trailers really need this to save bedroom cabinets.
Simply swap it out with the coupler on your gooseneck now – and, Walla! Instant gratification. Trailers keep getting larger with more weight on your truck. You need a buffer between your truck and trailer.The CC 2
Cushion Coupler
costs hundreds less than air-bag style couplers – and its maintenance-free.
An Easy Quick Install below, just slide out the old coupler tube and slide in Cushion Coupler. FREE SHIPPING
Popup Gooseneck Cushion Couplers to protect your trailer. Take the jerk out of stopping and starting with a trailer and improve the overall ride. Your horse will thank you and the hay will stay on the trailer.
Popup CC2 cushion coupler
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